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I am trying to repair the music box...

I am trying to repair the music box in the tavern. I tried your solution, but it does not work. Do you give bobo a total of 3 bells? I have done that but he doesn't whistle a tune. What's up?

By crystal
I didn't have any problems. I gave him 3 bells then talked to him again and he whistled the tune and above his head it showed the symbols. Now any time I go back to him I can ask him what the tune was I don't know what your issue is.
By kaykay
one is on the ground near him & give it to him, one is given to you by Konoba after you give him the wheel, one is on the path leading to Statue of Knights, then give him the last two bells, then he should give you the code, and you can click on the conversation line over & over. or the code is button # 5, 3, 1, 7, 6
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