Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger | Casual Game Guides

Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger

Game Spotlight: Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger. Sam, the would be savior of Aurelia is a thirteen year old boy who must protect and save Princess Aurora in order to save the kingdom! She has been poisoned and Sam along with your help is the only one who can go undetected to uncover the plot as to who is behind this heinous act! Help him navigate the world as he quickly learns he is unable to trust anyone in order to accomplish his task and must rely only upon himself and his technology, the flying robot and his mind scope to get to the crux of the plot. Jump in and enjoy the adventure before it’s too late!

Game Spotlight: Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger is the point where the past and the future collide. Join Sam as he embarks on an adventure to save the kingdom and uncover who is plotting against the royal family. Princess Aurora has been poisoned and the royal family is in hiding. Only you can restore order and go undetected. Trust no one and depend upon yourself to see this through. 

Enjoy the challenging hidden object areas and mini games along with the beautifully crafted scenes as you roll through the intrigue and plot twists. Although the steampunk visuals are mechanical and somewhat old-world the technology available to assist you like the flying robot and mind scope are completely up to date and will help you to read thoughts and uncover plots! Never underestimate the abilities of a determined teenaged boy!

Navigating through this beautifully crafted game will prove to be a great adventure and challenge.  The graphics are impeccable and the sound is clear and crisp. The story is enjoyable and all-in-all this game is a definite must try!

Jump in and enjoy the adventure!